Saturday 6 April 2013

Posted by Hira Shaheen On 08:42
What is LIFE all about? Have we ever thought of it?
Is it only about your very own self ? NO! Its beyond that, its about the people around you, your surroundings and how you actually bring the best out of yourself.

Everyone has his own life and he surely has every possible right to ornament it. Today, everyone wants to be beautiful, everyone wants to be reputed, everyone dreams of high status and everyone wants to be superior to others. People turn their coats to achieve their own interests. They worship the rising sun. Unfortunately, today, man has forgotten his moral values. People live their lives as if they are going to stay in this world forever. They have become insensitive to their surroundings. They always have an axe to grind. Everyone comes to blows over petty issues. Most of the people have a dual character. And, the sad thing is that the world has become MATERIALISTIC. No one ever tries to be beautiful and true from the inside - the REAL BEAUTY, that matters. 
Man has left the path of Islam/religion and has become astray. His prayers have become cold. He has no truth and warmth in his feelings and is treading on the path of evil. It seems like there is no ray of hope in this dark tunnel of ignorance and this will make us pay through the nose.
There are so many things that make life rough around the edges - a door slammed in your face, a minute mistake or a combat over nothing...... All these are due to lack of consideration. Imagine for a minute, a world where everybody is selfless and kind…
YOU never know when your life ends. So, you must do something better than your own self, and that is to be what GOD wants you to be…… and most of all, discover the secret behind your birth. As it is wisely quoted :
" There are two great days in a man's life : the day he is born and the day he knows why."

Everybody needs to change individually in order to bring a change on a vast scale. The need of the hour is to seek GOD. He will make all ways easy for us. He will open oceans of treasures for us. He will open all doors of success towards us. When we try to submit our wills to Him, He will bless us with countless and matchless blessings.
Make yourself beautiful from the inside and everything will brighten up itself. If you are beautiful from the inside, only then you can see the beauty lying around you. Be kind and sympathetic to others. Back them up when they are dejected. Be friends to friendless and hope to hopeless. 
" Courtesy costs nothing but buys everything."
Kindness has a positive impact even on stone-hearted people and it gives a satisfaction to one's soul as well. No matter how bad a person may be, neglect his flaws and treat him well. It is quoted :
"A successful man is the one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him."
Good deeds can help bloom a withering heart and add colours to peoples' lives. You can make this world worth living by being the CHANGE that you want to see in others. As it is quoted :
"A man's glory from his virtue is greater than the glory of his pedigree."
LIFE is a blessing. It is precious. We get it only once, so it should be purposeful. Live each day of your life as it's your last day. 

" Life is like a coin. You can spend it any way you wish, but you only spend it once. "
Seek Allah in every moment. Worship Him with all your heart. Have staunch and unflinching faith in Him. Bow before Him with all due love, respect and gratefulness.

" No matter how good or bad you think life is, wake up each day and be thankful for life, someone somewhere else is fighting to survive. "
Do away with all evil thoughts. Work for the Hereafter and Allah will be enough for you in your worldly concerns. Thank Him for every favour and pray to Him for a good life, both in this world and the world Hereafter, for a man's life is nothing more than " from a clot of blood to a dust particle !"


  1. superb (Y) " There are two great days in a man's life : the day he is born and the day he knows why." loved this line <3

  2. a very well written article , liked it very much!!!
