Friday 12 April 2013

Posted by Hira Shaheen On 06:58


There is a phenomenon widely practiced in the educational institutes of subcontinent, which involves
the bullying of the newcomer’s i.e. the students who get admission in those institutes and is known as fooling or ragging. This act if judged by the modern and western standards, is

*A violation of basic human’s rights as stated in the universal declaration of human rights of UN.( Article 5.)

“No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”
*A violation of the spirit of Geneva convention (if we consider life a war :P)

*But who gives a Crap to all these violations, ragging is fun ;-)
* Stated by a typical senior who waits for this moment whole year.

What they do to you while fooling? The act usually comprises of two stages.

1) At Campus fooling

A glance of campus fooling
This type is rather a light type of fooling and is basically fun in most cases, it is done to the students on the college or university involves the ransacking of money, wearing shoes on Your hands and Socks on your Ears, Singing a song for seniors, Wearing a belt on your neck(like a Dog),Barking like a dog :P Singing, dancing for the senior girls, making a train and circling around the college campus.
1-walk in groups,
2-Don't go near cafeteria and other tempting places.
3-Act confident as if you were a final year student
4-.Do not get caught, use bathrooms to hide and avoid seniors. Avoid eye contact with them.
5-Or give up and have some fun ;)

2) At Hostels Fooling
Well here comes the difficult part, Hostel fooling is the most lethal type of fooling you will encounter in your whole life. Seniors will break in your rooms at 1'o clock at night. They will make you do things that Unfortunately i can't discuss those things because of my moral values and this being a public forum :P

Main sources of Inspirations/syllabus for Ragging:
*Three Idiots(especially Toohfa Qabool karo wala Scene ;)

*Naseebo LaL Songs
*Punjabi stage dramas(for Jugtain)
.Only solution for Hostilities:
Don't come near 500Meter radius of hostels for two months and find your boarding somewhere else.
Okay, something serious now, well some say that fooling is a tradition and must not be abolished, I am, however, is on the opposite side of the fence and regard fooling as a way for seniors to take out their Frustration. As most students are highly dissatisfied with their Current position, frustration of relationships ending, frustration of never ending studies and books, all of this put together and you get an angry little senior waiting to pounce on a juicy first year fellow.

Speaking of frustration and low level of satisfaction, types and reasons are:

>Frustration of Exams, 
>Frustration of continued studies, 
>So little reward of so much hard work
>Frustration of career demanding lifelong hard work and struggle and an uncertain Future, 
>Most seniors are motivated by revenge, avenging themselves of what happened to them at their ragging.
>Frustration due to boring and non-animated medical subjects
>Most seniors are suffering from inferiority complex and rag juniors just to prove their worth (but in reality they are proving exactly the opposite)

Give respect and you would get it back is all I would like to say.


Ragging, if could not uprooted, should be in limits and should be for fun. There should be no acts to degrade the juniors and should be done just for the sake of fun. Juniors should be able to enjoy it as much as enjoyed by seniors. It exists even in the so called most modern Institutes of Pakistan like IBA, LUMS etc.
So it’s difficult to End this practice but it could be reformed so as to make it less painful for the new comers and more fun for the should be something that newcomers look forward to rather than being  afraid of.

P.s I wrote this article 3 years ago when I joined SIMS and was actually facing all this myself, now being a 3rd year student myself, I declare most of it as true ;) 


  1. *Appreciation* for the guy who wrote this

  2. I actually was looking forward to fun filled Ragging, but then I didnt really know the UGLY picture of it :-/

    1. Oh yes, there is a picture if it worse than you think. Hostel part is definitely annoying sometimes.

  3. A nice article, hope it saves a few first years from unnecessarry torture :-)

    During my time in first year, I found that there is only one real answer to fooling - simply say "no"
    The way I see it, seniors prey on the juniors' unfounded and irrational fears which may stem from them being suddenly thrust into a new and unfriendly environment.

    However, those who are able to master their fear and affirm their boundaries have gone through their whole first year without getting fooled or being fooled to an almost negligible extent.

    I disagree with fooling because not only is it degrading, but it is against the spirit of what I percieve to be the senior-junior relationship, one of elder and younger brother.
